Tzina: Symphony of Longing
Tzina: symphony of longing is a poetic, interactive room-scale webVR documentary in which the residents of the run-down Dizengoff Square in Tel Aviv muse on love and things that are no more.
At the beginning of 2017, Tzina Dizengoff square, one of Tel Aviv’s emblematic sites, has been demolished. The square became a home for the lonely and marginalized characters of the area. This project tells the story of the people who gravitated toward the square and spent their days in it. Tzina is a multi-viewers documentary that invites for a physical exploration, combining elements of fantasy while experiencing the square at different times of the day.
~shirin anlen, Director and Producer
Ziv Schneider, Design Director
Or Fleisher, Technology Director
Avner Peled, Lead developer
Laura Juo-Hsin Chen, Creative code
Udi Ben-Arie, Script Editor and UX Expert
Best Digital story- Biennial of Medial Arts of Chile Juan Downey Contest – 13 Bienal de Artes Mediales
Awwwards – Honorable Mention
Special KUDOS award CSS DESIGN
Next, Festival de Cannes
B3, The Biennial for the moving image
T.O webFest
Paris Play online
Experience, Brussels VR festival
ICIDS, Portugal
Astra Film Festival, Romania
Boston Jewish Film Festival